ラファエル・ダラポルタと港千尋によるトーク – Raphaël Dallaporta & Chihiro Minato

4月15日 15:00 – 16:00
@ 京都文化博物館 別館
[プログラム詳細] [関連展示]

15 April 15:00 – 16:00
@ The Museum of Kyoto Annex
Please join Raphaël Dallaporta & Chihiro Minato to discuss “The Elusive Chauvet-Partd’ Arc Cave” and its specific landscape, marked by engravings and paintings dated 36,000 BC, along with Dallaporta’s specific immersive visual approach, rendering flat the 360 degree views of the cave.
[Program details] [Related Exhibition]


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