

チャンスを逃すな!脈アリを見抜く心理学 →

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チャンスを逃すな!脈アリを見抜く心理学 →


The topic: ‘I told Raphael how to avoid detection by partners if we are cheating, and also other things’

1.The way to hide the affairs → Drink a lot of water, and when you are with your partner, hold your urine. You can use it when you are playing poker too, it helps your facial expressions hide things you don’t wish to tell. When you have to tell what you did for the day, and you wish to hide that you went to have lunch with someone you wish to get closer etc; you can camouflage it by sandwiching the event with two different events you don’t mind telling. You need to plan it though; had a meeting with a client/friend before the lunch and then went to lunch then after that, went to a bar that you often go to(a bar which seems there’s no problem if you go, of course).

2.If we want our men to succeed → We should allow our men to cheat( to a certain extent you can allow or to the extend he ‘does it’ with the woman if you can allow). It is because after marriage, the testosterone level drops, which is not good for doing some challenges or trying to survive through the failure you made. According to the research in Muslim countries, men’s testosterone level drops after the first marriage, but after 2nd marriage and so on, the testosterone level rises again. For the compromise, he suggests allowing the man to go to a hostess bar; according to some studies men won’t seriously fall for another women in most cases. Brain parts that become active when they are with No.1 and others are different.

3.If we don’t want our men to cheat → 1. Share the friends of each other, also make each other’s friends friends with each other.
2. See videos together; because watching videos together makes the brains in similar states.



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