Raphael Archangel✤11min Prayer Meditation.1111Hz.Create Positive Energy Field. Aura Chakra Cleanse.


Raphael Archangel✤11min Prayer Meditation.1111Hz.Create Positive Energy Field. Aura Chakra Cleanse.
This music connects you with the divine source of the universe, the all-inclusive higher dimensional light, and Archangel Raphael.
This music can be listened to daily in the morning and at night to relieve stress and bring you closer to physical and mental well-being.

▼Blessing of Rafael the Archangel 3Hour.▼

Our music includes four special frequencies

1111Hz and 888Hz, the two angel number frequencies that attract good luck.
963Hz.High-dimensional frequency
4096Hz, the frequency that opens the doors of the heavens.

These four miraculous tones resonate as the sound of a steam drum that vibrates comfortably through the space around you.

The sound source of 4096hz is recorded by applying the Gibeon meteorite to the tuning fork.
Opening the Door to the Heavens 4,096hz + Miracle Power Stone|Gibeon Meteorite

The title “Archangel Raphael ✤11min Prayer Meditation.1111Hz.Create Positive Energy Field. Aura Chakra Cleanse.

Have a wonderful time feeling the gentle and powerful vibrations of Archangel Raphael.

▶Message Miroku
HITOTSU369 creates videos for healing, spiritual growth, and desire realization from the subconscious It is a special effect.

It is a high wave caused by special effects.
The high vibrational frequency penetrates into the DNA level at the speed of sound.
Meditation Music
Healing Music
Sleeping Music
We have tuned these to match the ultimate vibrations.

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▶ Video information
The title “Archangel Raphael ✤11min Prayer Meditation.1111Hz.Create Positive Energy Field. Aura Chakra Cleanse.
Composed by Miroku
Arrangement 369 (Miroku)

ⓒ 2020 HITOTSU369™

▶ Video Description.
The music used in this video is composed, arranged, frequency-tuned, composed, and edited in its own style It is.

Reuse of videos, music, and images on all channels is prohibited


◆◆◆About meditation music

HITOTSU369 creates meditation music to maintain and enhance mental and physical health.

369 Official Website

Attracting Abundance⁂A very simple way to meditate

How to do Meditations

What are the Solfeggio Frequencies

How To Use meditation


HITOTSU369’s meditation music is tuned by superimposing solfeggio frequencies on special sound sources.

Shamans of various ancient civilizations are said to have received messages in a similar way about higher-dimensional contact.

By overlapping solfeggio frequencies, you can expect to see powerful potential improvements.


These frequencies will positively improve your life.

528hz, mind, body, and DNA repair.
639hz, repair of human relationships
852hz, intuition awakening, awakening
888Hz, angel number, frequency to receive richness.
963hz, gods frequency, high-dimensional frequency.
4096hz, open the door of the heavens.


▶ About Composer 369 (Miroku)
Artist 369 is a mediator, meditative music composer

▶Related: 369 Official Sites


© All Music is copyrighted on the HITOTSU369 YouTube


La Templanza

And to everyone reading this: You deserve to live a happy, healthy life. Ask for guidance and heal with Raphael, and never fear being yourself. Many illnesses come bcs of fear. Love life. You ARE BEAUTIFUL! 💚

La Templanza

Thanks Anchangel Raphael, God’s Doctor in all Universe, for keeping us safe and healthy, and healing us when we kindly ask you. May The Lord give you many blessings. Love you! 💚✨

nancy brelio

Arcangel san Rafael sana a toda la humanidad que se encuentra muy enferma con cáncer. Coronavirus y diferentes tipos de enfermedades..

Lety Torres

arcángel Rafael ayudamecsana mi corazón y mi alma y mente mi marido me traicionó con otra mujer ayúdame me quiero morir dame sabiduría entendimiento y paz por fabor gracias gracias gracias amen amen amen

Doug Lohiser

Dear Archangel Raphael would you give me a brand new job in a public school in the school cafeteria working also win money in the PCH sweepstakes too please Thank you AMEN!🙏🙏🙏🌌🌌🌌NAMASTE

Amber Ramsey

Come into our hearts blessed Angel: lift up my mother Brenda heal her pain, physically and spiritually. Let her know its ok: no regrets!💜🌻




holger druide

Erzengel Raphael ich habe mich sehr gefreut dass du dich mit mir in Verbindung setzt und diese Wunderbare Reinigung gemacht hast und ich bin sehr froh darüber und sehr Dankbar ihr Engel seid echt super krassss megagalaktisch und Liebe für euch Alle ❤🙏👼👍👌💪🌍🙏🕉🙏👑😘🌺💯💢 und ich bin sehr froh über diesen Artikel auf YouTube und diesen Kanal Absolut Empfehlenswert 👍👍👍💪❤️🌍🙏👑





Bob Kofi

I’m getting rich by listening to this song. Abundance of happiness, wealth and success is already mine. Amen


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